trouble while upgrading congo 4.3.1 to 6.0.4

(congo JR)

Hello everybody, i've faced a trouble while upgrading congo software/firmware.

At first i tell what i've done.

-i've download new software upgrade 6.0.4. 

-read what i have to do (Step 1: Download the file. Step 2: Unzip the software, rename the Congo604.exe file to "Congo.exe" and place the renamed file on your USB flash drive in a folder named SOFTWARE..... etc. =) )

-then i've done everything is written in Installation Instructions (created "software" folder at root of flash-drive, put there congo604.exe, renamed it to congo.exe, inserted it in console, start "software update", installed application, clicked "finish" and the console restarted itself)

after that i was supposed to see congo with new software but there were nothing. 

only "congo" logo is on the desk. nothing happens! console show nothing expect logo!

later i found another file which called "" where were written how to upgrade firmware (Congo Face Panel Firmware Upgrade Instructions_052010.pdf)

i've found how to get Windows explorer screen. but i wanted to know - am i doing right if i trying to upgrade facepanel? is it worth to upgrade facepanel or it doesnt help me? do i need an internet connection to upgrade facepanel or "Congo_UI_1_3_01_09_0_01 RC.SRC" file is enough?


sorry for grammer - i'm from russia and english is not my native language, and i use it rarely =(


p.s. my fail - i've got congo JR.

[edited by: burton-fzz at 12:42 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, May 3 2011]
  •   Hello  it's me again. I want to post these message because somehow the issue with upgrading to 6.0.4. disappears! Yesterday when I decided to upgrade congo from 5.1.0 to 6.0.4 and when i prepared to deal with errors during installation 6.0.4. - nothing happened and firmware installation completed  successfully! I have no idea what was wrong during previous attempts to install 6.0.4. The only new was a DVI display at this time and new mouse. and i have no idea why service location protocol can crash installation if i use VGA display instead of dvi.. 

      Anyway, thnks to everybody, may be somebody someday will find my post useful, thats why I posted this post.

  • Hi!

    in some case troubles with upgrade course by any other USB devices been connected to  the desk.  Not always..

    If you experiece any kind of boot problems, or errors with software upgrade, try to  replase mouse or keyboard, or just try another USB Ports to connect ..


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