offline editor crash on mac


 I'm using a macbook with mac os x 10.4.10. When i open the offline editor and choose to start a new play the editor shuts down. This happens when i choose the patch and it doesn't matter which patch i choose. This happens even if I open a new play from the browser. The only thing that works is to start using last saved data.

 Is there away to get around this?



Parents Reply
  • I can verify the same issue on a Quad core Mac Pro running 10.4.10.
    Also happens on my Powerbook G4 1GHz runnning 10.4.10, using the Motorola build of the software.  
    Try to patch in any way and the program crashes and disappears.
    I am using version 4.3.2 
    Would there be any crash logs that would help you all solve this issue?