MIDI Sequences on Congo Jr

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if any of you had any tips and tricks for using MIDI on the Congo Jr.

So what we want to do is have a computer running Ableton Live trigger all the lighting during a show.

After much wrangling we managed to trigger presets, and that's it.

What I would like to learn is how we can trigger specific linear presets, and also how we can trigger specific sequences.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you

  • Obienator said:

    What I would like to learn is how we can trigger specific linear presets

    In what way do you mean??

    In Congo any button is a Midi note. I've done some testing and you can record it into a clip in Live and playback.

    To be able to get output from a Preset or Sequence it must be on a playback. So the easiest way is to put the presets and sequences you want to trigger on masters. And if you need more then 80 masters, you have to change pages.

    Another way would be to get MAX for Live and write a devices for it. http://www.ableton.com/maxforlive

    Hope that helps??

    Let us know how you get along?

  • Let me elaborate. We have our audio and midi software on a Pc and we wish to only play back presets and sequences triggered by the PC.

    I programmed two sequences with a few simple presets, so far we have only managed to trigger the "Go" function on the board. We would like to know how we can trigger specific presets and specific sequences at any time.

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