MIDI Sequences on Congo Jr

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if any of you had any tips and tricks for using MIDI on the Congo Jr.

So what we want to do is have a computer running Ableton Live trigger all the lighting during a show.

After much wrangling we managed to trigger presets, and that's it.

What I would like to learn is how we can trigger specific linear presets, and also how we can trigger specific sequences.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you

Parents Reply
  • Couple of things that may be tripping you up:

    The Master fader must be above 0% for you to see the result of stepping through a Sequence on a Master (at 0% it will still step on but the lights won't change)

    When using General MIDI to control Congo keys, you have to send both a Note On for key down and a Note Off for key release.

    Otherwise the console will be waiting for the key release. In the case of Master Keys, while the first "Note On" may work a second "Note On" will do nothing because the button is already being pressed!

    It might help you to open up the Console Mimic Dock ( [Setup] & [Browser] ), as then you can usually see the button presses - though very fast Note On/Note Off might not show there.

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