objects are missing glTF


Runing EOS 3.0.0 build 389

I have problems with the .gltf and .glb files from capture. tried both of them.

they want to scale it down. it say the original size and then propose to scale it down by -x10. Should be 1:1 as default?! 

one other problem is that objects are straight out missing. if you open my files on a pc you see the main curtain, but not on my GIO.

I also have problems with the beams not showing when they hit the floor. they just fade out. If I pan up on my backdrop I see the shapes, but not on the floor. (I have disabled the view of the default floor to get the model to show properly)  

Files of show and modells:

to etc ESTRAD.zip

Estrad höst 2020 2020-09-26 20-47-44.esf3d

Parents Reply
  • In this export, everything is marked as double-sided.
    Most likely very little of it actually needs to be - usually you don't look up through the floor, and when you look in from above the ceiling you usually want to be able to see the inside!

    Augment3d does not yet support double-sided materials as they interfere with lighting (Windows Paint3D doens't do lighting), so only the 'front' side will be shown and lit.

    Most 3D modelling programs that make it clear which is the front and which is the back and have a way to flip it around.
