If A3d is reading VW's Instr Type field, why do multiple lights with different type names come in as the same fixture type?


Attached is a VW2021 file with 4 LED lekos on a pipe. They are all the same symbol, so they have the same symbol name, but each has a different Inst Type name: Source 4 LED 19 Ser 1, Source 4 LED 19 Ser 2, Color Source Spot 19, and Chauvet LED 19. I originally placed 4 of the same light, and then went through and adjusted the Instr Type field.

However, when I import the A3d file into Eos, the only name I see in the Source file is 'Source 4 LED 19'. Since I changed the Instr Types in the Object Info Pal, I would expect to see 4 different names in the Source File column. That way I could map each one to proper Eos personality. 

Can someone explain? 


  • Hi ,

    The confusion is that while there is a property called "Instrument Type" in the Object Info box when the fixture is selected, the field that is actually being used comes from the Light Info record attached to the symbol called "Inst Type". The "Instrument Type" is treated by Vectorworks as a descriptive field, while the "Inst Type" is treated as a fixture identifier.

    To correct for this, you would want to duplicate the symbol in the Resource Manager so that you have unique symbols for every type of fixture. Then, using Vectorworks' Lighting Symbol Maintenance Report, edit the symbol to show the correct type.

    Once you have the correct symbols in your show file, draw (or change) your fixtures using the corrected symbols and then re-export as normal.

    For more information on Lighting Symbol Maintenance in VW2021, see: https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2021/eng/VW2021_Guide/LightingDesign2/Lighting_symbol_maintenance.htm

  • gotcha. I thought all I had to do was change the name in the OIP. Now I understand I've got to change the root data in the record format. thank you!

  • @stark I thought I had this figured out but clearly not. Attached are 2 VW files and their accompanying .a3d exports. They each contain, to the best of my knowledge, the exact same fixture types. The file that works is a new file with the symbols imported from my symbol library. The file that doesn't work have lights pasted from a larger plot, in which those lights came from that same symbol library. In the "works" files...I get two fixture types in the Eos import window, an RGBW fixture and an RGBA fixture. But with the "doesn't work" files, I'm only getting the RGBW fixture. The lighting symbol maintenance window looks exactly the same in both files and I've made sure (I think) to update the "Inst Type" filed you mention above with 2 different unique names. So why aren't I getting two fixture types in my import window? stumped. 


    doesnt work.a3dworks.vwxdoesn't work.vwxworks.a3d

  • OK I have an update on this thanks to some sleuthing from Craig Stelzenmuller. We figured out what happened, but it does bring up a larger issue.

    What happened, was I did update my symbol in Lighting Symbol Maintenance as instructed but I forgot to click on "update all lighting devices" which meant that it updated the Inst Type for the symbol in the Resource Manager, but NOT all the instances on the plot. By replacing all of the instances on the plot with the one in the RM it updated all my instances on the plot, and imported correctly into Eos. Yay!

    The issue I think it brings up, is that the field that Eos is reading for type, is actually, as far as I can tell, a hidden field inside every lighting device on the plot. You can change the root field value for Inst Type for the symbol in the RM, but once a light is in the drawing, I can't find any way to view the field data for "Inst Type", you can only see 'Instrument Type' in the OIP. This makes troubleshooting these kind of issues problematic. If Eos is pulling a very important piece of information from a field that the user can't actually see or check, you can only just 'try' the above and hope it fixes the problem. That feels less than ideal. I'm not sure who would be the one to solve this (ETC or VW) but just flagging it.


  • OK I have an update on this thanks to some sleuthing from Craig Stelzenmuller. We figured out what happened, but it does bring up a larger issue.

    What happened, was I did update my symbol in Lighting Symbol Maintenance as instructed but I forgot to click on "update all lighting devices" which meant that it updated the Inst Type for the symbol in the Resource Manager, but NOT all the instances on the plot. By replacing all of the instances on the plot with the one in the RM it updated all my instances on the plot, and imported correctly into Eos. Yay!

    The issue I think it brings up, is that the field that Eos is reading for type, is actually, as far as I can tell, a hidden field inside every lighting device on the plot. You can change the root field value for Inst Type for the symbol in the RM, but once a light is in the drawing, I can't find any way to view the field data for "Inst Type", you can only see 'Instrument Type' in the OIP. This makes troubleshooting these kind of issues problematic. If Eos is pulling a very important piece of information from a field that the user can't actually see or check, you can only just 'try' the above and hope it fixes the problem. That feels less than ideal. I'm not sure who would be the one to solve this (ETC or VW) but just flagging it.

