Lights coming from VW Collada export are imported as solids even with Lights unchecked

Is this a known issue or a thing that doesn't work. When I get the Export to Collada window, I uncheck Lights...yet in Eos, when I do an import from VW, the lights are coming in as solids. Does that un-checking not work? Do I need to actually not have the lights be visible in my export?


Parents Reply
  • hmm, in this particular instance I'm not sure it helps. I'm not having any issues using the plugin to get my lights out of VW. The issue is that when using the Collada export, when the lights are visible, they are coming in as solids. Yes of course I can just turn off my lights layer when doing the export and they won't come in, so this isn't a huge issue. I was just posting to to see if anyone else could confirm that un-checking "Lights" in fact does not in fact prevent the lights from coming in. If it's not working, I feel like that's a bug that should be reported to VW. 
