Lights coming from VW Collada export are imported as solids even with Lights unchecked

Is this a known issue or a thing that doesn't work. When I get the Export to Collada window, I uncheck Lights...yet in Eos, when I do an import from VW, the lights are coming in as solids. Does that un-checking not work? Do I need to actually not have the lights be visible in my export?


Parents Reply
  • The Collada format supports lights as in virtual illumination of the 3D scene being stored in the file type. The "Lights" check box refers to those virtual lighting information being included or not in the export. (Note: Augment3d ignores this information so it isn't important if it is included or not in the export)

    In your case, you have 3D models of physical lights so if those layers are visible, the export would indeed grab them as a part of the physical model.

    So not really a bug so much as the same word used to describe two different things.
