Does A3d know about my moving light shutter adjustments?

Depending on how moving lights are hung, and how a designer/programmer likes their shutters ordered, you can change a lot of that info in fixture patch, in regards to re-ordering which shutter is called which, whether it moves clockwise or counterclockwise, etc. At this stage, does A3d reflect those changes in the virtual model?

It seems like the answer is no. I've got my shutters set up, in real life, how I like them, but what I'm seeing on the screen is very different. Should it look the same? It also might have something to do with that in order to get my lights to pan/tilt in the same direction in A3d as they do in real life, I've done things like rotate the 3D model 180°...not sure if that then screws up the shutters in A3d. It's possible none of this is supported yet in the model...which is a valid answer....and I can file as a feature request. 


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