We have created a large amount of custom gobos for VL2600 profiles. When using augment3d, the custom images will all rotate one way (anti-clockwise), but they will not rotate the other way. The seem to “bounce” at zero degrees rotation and then go back the other way, i.e. rotating the gobo both ways in real life will both go the same direction in augment3d above/below zero degrees.
Also, I can create a separate thread, as I searched the forum and only saw this posted for Vipers, but the full wipe shutters on the VL 2600 profile and the full wipe barndoors on the 2600 wash are not correctly implemented in the stock profile. Setting the thrust and user values to 200 as mentioned in a previous post fixed this to have the real fixtures match the augment3d fixtures. Also, the rotation of shutters is backwards and needed to be reversed in our fixture profile to make it match augment3d for the profile and wash. Lastly the zoom parameters are incorrect for both fixtures. They are close on the profile (actual 7 - 48), but the zoom is 12-63 on the wash, not the 10-50 that is listed for both.