Mac Performance shutters Augment3d vs real life.

There seems to be quite a discrepancy. As far as I'm aware I've got reasonably accurate locations for the movers in the 3D space.


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I managed to do some more digging and I've discovered a number of issues. First positive/clockwise rotations of the shutters and the frame in real life appear as negative/anti-clockwise rotations in Augment3d. The range of movement of the shutters appears to ±30° IRL, but the visualiser maps to ±45° (in the wrong direction). In the parameter controls overlay that shows an image of the gate the same ±30° of travel in the real world is shown as ±100° (instead perhaps of %), and again in the wrong direction. 

    BTW, what is the name of the lower part of the display in this image? I can only seem to get it in Nomad, but I would think it would be useful on a live desk sometimes too.

