Change origin of object?

Hi all,

I don't think this is an actual EOS Augment3d bug but an issue with my object model. But I thought I would throw it out here and see if anyone has ideas on the easiest way to solve this.

I have a show (theatre and set) that was originally built in Sketchup. Both were imported fine into Augment3d last summer when the Beta first came out. I have been playing with it on and off for the last year to learn both Augment3d, and prepare for the eventual ability to mount this show again. A couple of the objects I imported, when dropped into Augment3d, do not translate their motion the way I want them to using Movable Scenic Elements (channels). Their origin seems to be set to one of the 4 corners.

Is there a way, in Augment3d, to change an object's origin point? Or is that something I must do it Sketchup/VWX? I would like to be able to change the origin point to a different corner as the objects will rotate on a corner, not a center origin.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.



  • if i might, when i adress the origin i want to an object in sketchup, augmented will take the same origin point. that's why i built my pipes in sketchup to get the origin where i want. What 's your object's origin in sketchup?

  • Thank you both for your advice. The bigger part of my problem was the original origin set within Sketchup for the scenery I was trying to import. But there was also the problem of me not fully understanding the scenic model origin vs the model origin vs the world dimensions.

    The only way i was able to make these models move the way I needed them to was to let them sit in the Augment3d origin (0,0,0) with their Sketchup origin so the correct edge of the model was aligned with the Augment3d origin. Then I would have to basically set up a couple of presets that had where the units started on stage and then another preset that would move them to their 2nd position.

    What I had hoped that Augment3d would allow me to do was to set dimensions on either the model or the scenic element or both so that their home position was always the same where I want it to be without needing a preset (home or otherwise) to keep them there. But as soon as I set XYZ dimensions on either of them, when I went to use the channel live, the model/scenic element would snap back to the Augment3d origin.

    I am clearly not a CAD person haha I think I need to play a lot more to fully understand some of these fancier things I am trying to accomplish.

  • Thank you both for your advice. The bigger part of my problem was the original origin set within Sketchup for the scenery I was trying to import. But there was also the problem of me not fully understanding the scenic model origin vs the model origin vs the world dimensions.

    The only way i was able to make these models move the way I needed them to was to let them sit in the Augment3d origin (0,0,0) with their Sketchup origin so the correct edge of the model was aligned with the Augment3d origin. Then I would have to basically set up a couple of presets that had where the units started on stage and then another preset that would move them to their 2nd position.

    What I had hoped that Augment3d would allow me to do was to set dimensions on either the model or the scenic element or both so that their home position was always the same where I want it to be without needing a preset (home or otherwise) to keep them there. But as soon as I set XYZ dimensions on either of them, when I went to use the channel live, the model/scenic element would snap back to the Augment3d origin.

    I am clearly not a CAD person haha I think I need to play a lot more to fully understand some of these fancier things I am trying to accomplish.

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