Hello, i tried to find in the print file of my show fixtures positions, couldn't. Is there a way i'm missing or do i add it to wish list for improvements?
Hello, i tried to find in the print file of my show fixtures positions, couldn't. Is there a way i'm missing or do i add it to wish list for improvements?
not sure i was very clear, i try again: in the pdf, is there any chance to see a list of the fixtures positions?
This is not currently available in the PDF. You're welcome to vote on this request: Feature Request: Include Augment3d position/rotation data in Print>Patch (or add new option for Augment3d data) - Eos Family Feature Requests - Eos Family Consoles - ETC - Community
I should add that this information is provided in an ASCII Export, so you may be able to use that.
$Patch 1 17137 0 1 1
$$Pers Dimmer
$$Position 1 -2 5
$$Orientation -90 27 0
$$Data BeamAngle 36
Position is given in Meters. In this example the Dimmer is at position X:1 Y: -2 Z:5 with an X rotation of -90, Y rotation of 27, Z rotation 0, and Beam Angle of 36deg.
I should add that this information is provided in an ASCII Export, so you may be able to use that.
$Patch 1 17137 0 1 1
$$Pers Dimmer
$$Position 1 -2 5
$$Orientation -90 27 0
$$Data BeamAngle 36
Position is given in Meters. In this example the Dimmer is at position X:1 Y: -2 Z:5 with an X rotation of -90, Y rotation of 27, Z rotation 0, and Beam Angle of 36deg.
thanks, this can be helpfull for now, and i'm gonna vote straight for the request