Hello, i tried to find in the print file of my show fixtures positions, couldn't. Is there a way i'm missing or do i add it to wish list for improvements?
Hello, i tried to find in the print file of my show fixtures positions, couldn't. Is there a way i'm missing or do i add it to wish list for improvements?
not sure i was very clear, i try again: in the pdf, is there any chance to see a list of the fixtures positions?
This is not currently available in the PDF. You're welcome to vote on this request: Feature Request: Include Augment3d position/rotation data in Print>Patch (or add new option for Augment3d data) - Eos Family Feature Requests - Eos Family Consoles - ETC - Community
I should add that this information is provided in an ASCII Export, so you may be able to use that.
$Patch 1 17137 0 1 1
$$Pers Dimmer
$$Position 1 -2 5
$$Orientation -90 27 0
$$Data BeamAngle 36
Position is given in Meters. In this example the Dimmer is at position X:1 Y: -2 Z:5 with an X rotation of -90, Y rotation of 27, Z rotation 0, and Beam Angle of 36deg.
thanks, this can be helpfull for now, and i'm gonna vote straight for the request
thanks, this can be helpfull for now, and i'm gonna vote straight for the request