I was orientating my fixtures to move as I wanted with trackball and selecting pan or tilt invert in patch does not make a change to the virtual fixtures. My real life fixtures did properly invert.
What am I missing?
I was orientating my fixtures to move as I wanted with trackball and selecting pan or tilt invert in patch does not make a change to the virtual fixtures. My real life fixtures did properly invert.
What am I missing?
Hi jabadger
What version are you currently using?
What fixtures?
Did you make any changes other than inverting pan/tilt?
Did the real world and Augment3d match before inverting?
Cyberlight LED
No, real fixtures are 180 off in orientation from virtual.
Take a look at this Support Article about changing the User/DMX ranges: Fixture Physically Pans or Tilts in the Opposite Direction from Visualized Movement - Electronic Theatre Controls Inc
That would fix it in relation to going the wrong direction for sure, but why would pushing invert pan or invert tilt have no effect on the virtual fixture?
Excellent question, setting up a test now to explore this further.
Quick question: Are the Cyberlight LEDs on part 1 or a different part of the channel?
We have confirmed the issue. [EOS-53571] Moving Mirror Pan and Tilt Inversion is not respected in Augment3d
Is this still an issue as of 3.1.5? It isn't limited to moving mirrors. The odd thing is the virtual fixtures match the real fixtures when using pan and tilt, but when using XYZ they ignore the pan/tilt inversion and get sent the wrong way in real life.
as far as i know this specific issue (EOS-53571) was fixed in 3.1.3
So this is a similar but new and/or different issue that I'm seeing?
This should be fixed in 3.1.3. What version/fixtures are you using?
We think this is fixed. If you're still seeing this in current software (3.2.3 as of this writing) please let us know.
Thank you.