We're loading this show in and have had to rotate some fixtures to get them to fit. When they were first rotated, Augment3d did its usual thing of being a little confused about where the fixtures needed to point to get to the right place, but I've noticed that if I just leave it alone for an hour or so and come back it will suddenly have figured it out and X/Y and pan/tilt will both be correct and useable.
Then, we had to re-rotate one of these rotated fixtures back to where it started, and Augment3d is struggling to figure this one out. When I grab the fixture and move it around with pan/tilt, what Augment3d shows me agrees with real life, but now for some reason when I move the X focus, it will move along the real world's Y axis in real life and vice-versa. Oddly, when moved in P/T, the X/Y/Z values in the live table look correct, but the moment I try to send it to a specific X/Y/Z coordinate, it's off by 90º.
In the course of writing this post I tried some things and seemed to resolve it, but I figured a forum post about this annoyance is worth posting anyway. The simple trick was just moving the fixture out of the group it was a part of. Moving it back into that group didn't re-break it.