on pc: Nested SEM don't show relative positions

Hi, when i put SEM into a pipe or an object, the SEM doesn't indicate its relative X Y Z, everything remains to 0.

I have to turn off and on EOS, then it took the position of parent's origin.

  • Hi Passa!

    I'm not quite sure I follow. What are you expecting to happen when you nest the SEM to a Pipe? And what changes when you reboot the program?

  • the point of all of it is to be able to move a pipe, or an object.

    To do it, i need first my Sem to get same XYZ as, in this case, my pipe origin.So i first nest my SEM to my pipe. Once nested, If everything goes fine, i just have to say my SEM to take relative XYZ 0,so that my SEM gets same origin as my pipe. Then i unnest the SEM and nest my pipe to the SEM. At the end, if i want my pipe high 9m, i just have to move my SEM at 9m.

    That's how i do for a long time now. But as i tried to explain (not a native english speaker, and even in my language,

    wouldn't be easy to explain), her is what happened:

    1-i patch my SEM

    2-i nest my SEM so that i can give it XYZ relative 0, so that my SEM is at my pipe origin point.

    But what i noticed was : i nest my SEM, but my SEM still says 0/0/0 as relative XYZ, instead of saying how distant it is from its parent.

    I think i found what i made wrong: i have to say once that my SEM is at full, then its relative difference appears, even though i turn it off again. But before it's on once, it just says relative XYZ 0, no matter it's nested or not.


    9303 is intensity 0, relative XYZ remains at 0:

    i turn it on:

    I would understand the meaning if it was constant when a SEM is intensity 0, but in this case, if i turn on then off ch9303, it still appears with the right XYZ relative offset.

    Pretty sure i'm not clear, at least i tried.

  • the point of all of it is to be able to move a pipe, or an object.

    To do it, i need first my Sem to get same XYZ as, in this case, my pipe origin.So i first nest my SEM to my pipe. Once nested, If everything goes fine, i just have to say my SEM to take relative XYZ 0,so that my SEM gets same origin as my pipe. Then i unnest the SEM and nest my pipe to the SEM. At the end, if i want my pipe high 9m, i just have to move my SEM at 9m.

    That's how i do for a long time now. But as i tried to explain (not a native english speaker, and even in my language,

    wouldn't be easy to explain), her is what happened:

    1-i patch my SEM

    2-i nest my SEM so that i can give it XYZ relative 0, so that my SEM is at my pipe origin point.

    But what i noticed was : i nest my SEM, but my SEM still says 0/0/0 as relative XYZ, instead of saying how distant it is from its parent.

    I think i found what i made wrong: i have to say once that my SEM is at full, then its relative difference appears, even though i turn it off again. But before it's on once, it just says relative XYZ 0, no matter it's nested or not.


    9303 is intensity 0, relative XYZ remains at 0:

    i turn it on:

    I would understand the meaning if it was constant when a SEM is intensity 0, but in this case, if i turn on then off ch9303, it still appears with the right XYZ relative offset.

    Pretty sure i'm not clear, at least i tried.
