Not getting OSC out on TouchOSC

Trying to get TouchOSC working with Nomad... I can get OSC from my device to my PC, but no OSC from the PC to my device. All the ports match (OSC In/Out from Nomad match the Out/In on TouchOSC, respectively), strings Rx/Tx enabled... IP addresses set accordingly. On my Windows 8 PC, I cannot ping my device from the Nomad shell; it gives me Error 10013. From my WinXP PC, I CAN ping from the shell to my device, but still not getting OSC from Nomad on my device. OSC Out messages are showing up in the Diagnostics tab, but my device doesn't seem to receive them.
I've checked both Windows Firewall and my anti-virus, and added the appropriate exceptions. Still nothing works. The good news is, this isn't show-critical (yet), so I have some time to play around with things. I'll be able to test it on an actual console later this week.
