One way communication using Eos V 2.4 and TouchOSC. HELP PLEASE!!

Hoping some one can help me.

I'm getting one-way communication using Touch OSC and and Ion Console running the Eos software V2.4. The TouchOSC app see the communication from the Ion, but none of the command sent from the TouchOSC app is been received by the console.

I've double and triple check all inputs to make sure that everything is correct and I can find no issues. It seems like the app isn't sending out ANY thing. The red communication indicator in the app blinks when the app is seeing what's going on at the console and the command line on the app mirrors everything from the console as soon as I input it in the console. However, if I try to input commands into the app nothing happens, including the green indicator light in the top right hand corner of the app not blinking at all.

Any ideas?

I'm running Eos v2.4 and I'm using the Eos_TouchOSC layout template from the ETC Labs.  Im using TouchOSC v1.9.8 on an iPad Air 2 using iOS 10.

I've also including photos of the set-up (my iPad setting and the console setting) everything looks good from my end, but maybe I'm wrong.





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