ETC Element running Q lab from ETC OSC router

I am new to the use of OSC.  I followed the guide found through this website and was able,to get a command string to go from the console to the ECT Router command text window.  It did not fire the Q lab cue.  I am running Q lab 4 and the latest EOS update on the Element.  I am sure I am missing something simple between the router software and Q lab.  Any help would be appreciated as I am not even really sure what questions to ask.

  • Hey,

    Take a read of this:

    Breifly you need to send an OSC address pattern of /cue/X/start to QLab to fire a cue.
    You can do this a variety of ways but the simplest would be by executing an OSC command from a cue.
    [Cue][X]{Execute}{More SK}{string} /cue/X/start [Enter]

    The final things you need to do are:
    - Set the OSC TX IP Address to the mac's IP Address within Displays -> Setup -> Show -> Show Control.
    - Set the OSC TX Port Number to be 53000 (This is the port number OSC is received on within QLab) within Displays -> Setup -> Show -> Show Control.
    - Enable String and OSC TX within Displays -> Setup -> Show -> Show Control.

  • if you have many cues that should trigger something in qlab, you could also use Eos' implicit OSC output. this is sent automatically with every Go. since the syntax Eos uses to do that is different than what qlab understands, you need to go to Setup > Show > Show Control > OSC Cue Send String and enter /cue/%1/start .

    you will still need to do the basic OSC config like Sam described above.
  • Hi Ueliriegg,

    Nice to be able to spit out OSC messages with every EOS go, but how does one distinguish between OSC messages that are just blank outputs and those that are meant to actually do something with,  like fire the cue in Qlab?

    I hope this makes sense.

    ETC router makes it easy , but I can't figure how, with just using Eos and Qlab

    any suggestions for a newbie?




  • Qlab will not react to Eos messages unless you make Eos change the format of certain Eos messages so Qlab can understand them.

    if you use the Setup > System > ShowControl > OSC > OSC Cue TX String with the aforementioned string it will make Eos send every cue it fires in a format Qlab can understand. all the other implicit OSC output from Eos is still there, but since Qlab can't understand those it will just ignore them.

  • Qlab will not react to Eos messages unless you make Eos change the format of certain Eos messages so Qlab can understand them.

    if you use the Setup > System > ShowControl > OSC > OSC Cue TX String with the aforementioned string it will make Eos send every cue it fires in a format Qlab can understand. all the other implicit OSC output from Eos is still there, but since Qlab can't understand those it will just ignore them.
