Disable Explicit OSC Output

Hi all,

is there a way to disable the explicit EOS-OSC output?
-at least that’s what I think I want to disable; I mean the OSC output the desks automatically output once any key is pressed/ cues are fired/ …

As I need to connect light-/sound-/video- network I am a bit concerned of the used bandwidth plus I don’t need all that and it makes it easier to see the needed incoming messages in eg. Ableton Live.
I know I could send it to OSC-Router and just forward the messages I want, but that is not my favorite option as I need another program (that apparently needs to be always in the foreground)…
Sending a string and disable OSC output might also be an option, but as far as I know, it is then not recognised as OSC

Any help is appreciated ;D

  • Thanks so far, but I guess I need to be a bit more precise:

    It is not my problem to connect the systems, nor that I don’t understand OSC –at least rudimentally-.
    My problem is this:

    The free and very helpful toolbox of LiveGrabber for ‘Max for Live’ has an OSC receiver. It shows the last 10 (or so) incoming OSC commands. If you fire a Cue in EOS with, let’s say 5 seconds the desks prompts out this:


    As one can see the wanted ‘/live/go=1’ string is send out first, which is what we want, but it is followed by a blurb of other commands. Now u can’t see the ‘/live/go=1’ command any more in the LiveGrabber receiver window, but all the –not used or wanted- blurb.

    If someone is not experienced in OSC or you have a problem it is rather difficult to scan the data for a specific output...
    Therefore I want to stop EOS to output all the ‘system OSC messages’ and only output the ones I put out with a string command. If you switch off OSC in the system-settings and instead send it with the string command it actually sends out the string without the first ‘/’ indicating that this is a OSC message. That said I know the actual OSC string message looks different, but I don’t know exactly what it looks like.

    So the question is: Can I stop EOS to send out the ‘system OSC commands’?

  • It seems there is no way to stop it, even when you switch off OSC in the shell the console sending the implicit commands.
    I think this is a bug when switching off OSC in the shell.
    It should be an option in the OSC setup.

  • There is no way to turn off the individual implicit OSC messages from Eos. These do though get turned off if you either toggle of OSC TX found in System Settings (Display -> Settings - > System ->Show Control -> OSC) or within the Shell on the interface.

    In reality there is very little need to worry about having a few extra commands being sent over the network. The OSC messages are small, there are roughly 17 and wouldn't play a large part in lagging your network, if that was indeed the case. 

    Within Ableton you should either listen to /eos/out/event/<cue list number>/<cue number>/fire or a custom OSC message you have decided to use and attached to a macro or cue list.

  • In the #lighthack code there is an OSC message /eos/filter/add that appears to take a list of OSC message strings. I think it is additive; that is, creating any filter blocks everything but the messages included in the list. It also appears to support wildcards.

    However, I cannot find it documented anywhere. The last update to the Eos Family Show Control User Guide is circa 2017. I suspect there have been a lot of changes to the OSC implementation since 2017.

  • In the #lighthack code there is an OSC message /eos/filter/add that appears to take a list of OSC message strings. I think it is additive; that is, creating any filter blocks everything but the messages included in the list. It also appears to support wildcards.

    However, I cannot find it documented anywhere. The last update to the Eos Family Show Control User Guide is circa 2017. I suspect there have been a lot of changes to the OSC implementation since 2017.

  • the Eos Show Control User Guide was integrated into the Eos manual when it was revised for 2.7. there is however no mention of /eos/filter as far as i can tell, but yes, it exists...

  • Oh wow! I've never seen these before but yes you are correct!

    There are 3 important OSC Messages you can send::

    /eos/filter/add=<address pattern> - This would allow the eos to send the osc message with the same address pattern as specified in the argument e.g /eos/filter/add=/eos/out/event/cue/*/*/fire - Eos will now only send Eos cue fire messages, note the wildcard * i used there!!!

    /eos/filter/remove=<address pattern> - This removes the specified commands from Eos' filter list e.g /eos/filter/remove=/eos/out/event/cue/*/*/fire - Eos will now only send messages that are in the filter list if it has anything in its list. or it will send everything if not.

    /eos/filter/clear - This removes everything from the Eos' filter list

    Think of the filter list as a list of commands that Eos will send if it has anything in, if its empty it will send everything as usual. This is a real gem of a find! I shall write up on a blog post!

  • It's actually written in the docs on ETC Labs: https://github.com/ETCLabs/EosSyncLib/blob/master/Supported%20OSC%20Commands.pdf

    Please do be aware that filters are applied on a per session basis. That is that each TCP connection, each device connecting to Eos via TCP would have their own Filters list that you can add and remove from. Lighthack is TCP. If you are connecting your device via UDP, the UDP OSC session could be being used by multiple devices. As such you could also be filtering other devices that are receiving by UDP...

  • #lighthack works over UDP or USB and not over TCP, the OSC library for Arduino doesnˋt support TCP in the moment.

  • Ok I shall correct myself for clarity, #lighthack connected via USB is streaming serial data encoded with SLIP as such is treated in a similar fashion as a TCP OSC connection within EOS. You can think of it as the same, It will have its own filter list if connected via USB.