Linking Faders: OSCalculator

Just recently with the help of this forum got a link between OSCalcualtor and Eos. I believe I have keys down.

Faders: I hoped to be able top pick the rest up on my own, but I got stuck again. OSCal forums don't seem to have any info. The help I did get from the Eos Manual and one other thread still leaves me with questions. 

How do I go about this? How do i configure a a fader on OSCal? 

Thanks, Heath

  • i can't specifically say how you would do it in that application, but those are the osc commands to send to eos:

    • create faderbank: /eos/fader/<index>/config/<amount>, "/eos/fader/1/config/10"
      this is needed so you can afterwards page through the fader pages. eos needs to know how many faders make up a fader page. unless you have sent this commd at the very beginning of each OSC session with eos, you will not be able to access faders
    • fader: /eos/fader/<index>/<number>, "/eos/fader/1/5"
      this is the definition of each of your 10(?) fader positions. this isn't yet about fader pages, it just say if it's the first or third or tenth fader you physically have available
    • fader name: /eos/fader/<index>/<number>/name, "/eos/fader/1/5/name"
      if there is a space to display fader labels, this will insert the label for the record target that i currently mapped to the fader in this position

    • fader navigation: /eos/fader/<index>/page/<delta>, "/eos/fader/1/page/-2"
    • fader page direct access: /eos/fader/<index>/page/<faderpage>, "/eos/fader/1/page/2"
    index = you can have different set of faders. e.g. two groups of five that can page independently. to differentiate which block of fader you want to access with a command you give them different index numbers
  • "unless you have sent this commd at the very beginning of each OSC session with eos, you will not be able to access faders" means we could add a start macro straight in eos to  get osc faders active? So how would i enter in eos "/fader/1/config/10"? Never saw this in eos, can't find "config" in macro editor.

  • oh, old conversation...

    no, that's not something you send from Eos to your external device. it's something that the external device tells Eos.

    as an example think of a touchOSC layout where you have space for six faders. and you want a button in your app to page to the next fader page. Eos has no way of knowing that the second page should show faders 7 through 12, so you have to tell it that the layout your using has 6 faders. this is done by the app sending the config string /eos/fader/1/config/6.

  • old indeed, i'm just starting with osc, so i deep anywhere i can find to learn, included very old posts. thanks for your quick answer, i get it now.

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