MSC- firing Isadora

Hello,  having issues with MSC. I have a Ion on 3.1 software, a mac computer running Isadora, and a ‘fast lane usb’ MOTU. I would like the Ion to fire Isadora cues.  At the moment we can’t get the two to talk. 
I’m not sure what the settings on the Ion or Isadora should be, or if theres something about our setup that is wrong. 
Any help would be appreciated!

  • Hello Meike,

    Have you already set on Isadora: scenes → MSC cueing options and Isadora preferences → Midi/Net → Midi Scene Control? I'm assuming you using a Midi gateway associated to Ion

    Otherwise the fastest way, as sstaub suggest, is OSC over ethernet. I'm use to connect two computer with a cross cable, in this way I can easily fire Isadora scene using the OSC listener actor connected to a Jump actor. Of course you can also do the opposite sending any OSC command with Isadora OSC multi transmit actor to ETC Eos software.

    Hope this help


  • Hello Meike,

    Have you already set on Isadora: scenes → MSC cueing options and Isadora preferences → Midi/Net → Midi Scene Control? I'm assuming you using a Midi gateway associated to Ion

    Otherwise the fastest way, as sstaub suggest, is OSC over ethernet. I'm use to connect two computer with a cross cable, in this way I can easily fire Isadora scene using the OSC listener actor connected to a Jump actor. Of course you can also do the opposite sending any OSC command with Isadora OSC multi transmit actor to ETC Eos software.

    Hope this help


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