Receiving Osc to Channel

  1. Hello, 

I m locking to connect osc informations to a channel.

For example I send the information “out” from a computer and I send this information to an Eos.

In Eos I see the osc command in tab 99 and I would to link this information to a channel.

Is it possible ?

Parents Reply Children
  • What application is sending the OSC? This looks wrong...

  • The app is kratos. It’s a tracking application. 
    It’s send xyz position in Osc 

  • You shouldn't be using wheels. Instead, you should use: /eos/user/99/chan/<Channel_Number>/param/<Parameter_Name>/override=<Value>

    This is more efficient for Eos than using the wheel command - it will also send the data as override data as opposed to manual values.

    You can configure the OSC address in Kratos.

    Are you sending via ADM-OSC, or via OSC? You need to send via OSC as ADM-OSC is specific a way of sending data via OSC. As  has said, it looks like the OSC is malformed in some manner.

  • The packets they're saying look wrong, they look normal to me as a human who doesn't read binary, but I can't see the end of the packet which is where the human-readable part normally is. I'm just seeing the typical binary stuff that's at the start of the packets. Nothing to be afraid of in a network packet. 

    The key thing here is that OSC messages consist of 2 parts: address and argument. The ETC Eos documentation on the matter is extremely poor. "Address" tells Eos what the stuff is, and the "argument" is the stuff. So if you want to send Eos stuff that is X position, you need to use the "address" to say, hey, this stuff is for this channel for x position, and then your "argument" is the actual stuff, or the data, or the actual x position number that you want Eos to send to the light. 

    In QLab, you separate address from argument with a simple space. So for example,

    eos/newcmd Go_to_Cue Out 


    Address: eos/newcmd

    Argument: Go_to_Cue Out 

    tells console to create new instance in command line and go to cue out. 

    So for a similar use-case to yours, here is another example that is for x-focus:

    /eos/chan/1/param/x_focus 1

    sets channel 1 x focus to 1. For xyz position, I don't have that syntax in front of me, so you'll have to pull it up in the Eos documentation. WARNING: Unless they've fixed the documentation since I last complained, the documentation on OSC syntax is extremely confusing and downright misleading. It will tell you to format commands using an = sign. Don't do it. It won't work. Substitute = for space. If you can, pull it up on the website because the formatting on that version, as opposed to the in-console tab-100 one, is better, but still 90's level graphics and is very confusing still both in verbiage, terminology, and general, overall  communication. But that information is useful as long as you don't get hung up on the confusing stuff and remember to NOT use the = sign. They're lying about the = sign. An employee told me on here that the = sign verbiage is just supposed to be a placeholder, end user isn't supposed to actually type that, but if the true intent, that was left morbidly unclear for end user.

    Another note, the examples above are for Qlab, but in other softwares like TouchOSC and my software, you have some cases of separate input fields for address and argument, and other cases where the user of the software is only responsible for directly providing the address while the argument is computed in the background (that might be your current case). In that case you just skip the part in the documentation that says = and beyond. 

  • You are correct. When typing out an "OSC Annotation" into various pieces of software there are different formats in the wild. Eos uses the equals/comma style where as others (QLab) uses spaces. I have written about this here
