Cutting to cues

Hey Guys,

How to I "cut" to the next cue?  On our Insights, we would press the Go button, then grab the Faders and quickly run them down then up again to jump to the next cue.  When I tried this, the Faders either would either snap back to their position in the fading cue, or it feel like I am pushing through the motors.  Is this correct, and I just need to finesse it or is there a button I'm overlooking?  If not, is there a syntax that would allow a Macro to say Goto next cue time 1?


Thanks,  Brent

  • Hi Brent,

    for "cutting" to/thru Qs, it is possible to disable the timing of a Playback:

    Press & hold [Timing Disabled] and the [Load]-key of the playback

    "TD" will be displayed; this state remains until you release TD (as above).

    What I am missing is a way to "cut" to the next Q only (without having to set/release TD or play with the faders); feature-wise maybe a cut-command could be like

    [Timing Disabled] & [GO]    ????

    Cheers, Markus

  • In 1.3, if you hold down [Timing Disable] and press [Go] or [Back], the cue will cut in. The playback only goes in to timing disabled mode if you press and releae [Timing Disable] without pressing go or back while it is down.

    The resistance on the playback that you feel when you move it down then up, is suppossed to indicate the progress of the current fade. In 1.3 we removed that resistance though, so now it will be a more smooth transition.

     In 1.2, you could also move the playback to 0, press go and then move the playback up to full. Presetting the slider to 0 before pressing go captures the fade for manual control.

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