I am working on a live show with the EOS for new years and came accross a few things that might interest you.
I found the Atomic 3K four channel profile does not work correctly. The fouth channel doesn't seem to go to full so I could not access all the programmed effects however, I created a new profile and was able to get it to work correctly. I also found the attribute labled shutter speed to be confusing. Should it not be Rate?
It would be really cool if Presets would inclued effects. When I make a look that would include some moving lights running effects and record it to a presets the preset would leave out the effect information.
The Freeze button to pause all effects running on a playback is sweet, but it could be even better if it included gobo rotate and shutter on movers.
Lastly I did have a glitch problem with effects. When I went to effects in blind and hit next, the next effect would come up but if I hit back, it would jump to 917 no matter where I was. I didn't get a chance to check but I think a reboot might fix this problem. I will find out tonight.