Importing Strand Shows

Hi there


I am reprogramming a show on the eos that was originally programmed on a strand 520.  The show loaded across brilliantly and better then I expected it would.  Some of the effects didn't come across perfectly (mainly because they are CMY colour chases programmed as step chases, etc).  These needed to be reprogrammed as relative or absolute FX, (which is fine by me - made them alot neater) but the one major downside was the part cues

 The show has lots of part cues and I found all channel values ended up in the highest cue part.  For example, ch 1 > 5 should be in part1, ch 6>10 in part2, and the rest in part 3.  Instead all channels ended up in part 3.  Does anyone know of a way to fix this?  Going through all 527 cue parts and putting channels back into their correct parts is a bit of a dull and time consuming task




  • Hi Brent,

     Could you please send a Strand show which has part cues?  You should be able to attach it to a forum reply.  While it doesn't solve your immediate problem, I will see what I can do about fixing this problem.




  • Hi Ann

    Yeah, I had to go through the entire show the boring way, but at least it's done now (yay!!)

    Tried attaching the file but the forum didn't like it.  .ssf and .alq files are not welcome by the forum apparently.  Do you have an email address I can send the strand file to?  Do you want me to send you the original .ssf file or the .alq verion that was pumped out by showport?


  • Hi Ann

    Yeah, I had to go through the entire show the boring way, but at least it's done now (yay!!)

    Tried attaching the file but the forum didn't like it.  .ssf and .alq files are not welcome by the forum apparently.  Do you have an email address I can send the strand file to?  Do you want me to send you the original .ssf file or the .alq verion that was pumped out by showport?

