Is it possable to record parameters into the subs. Example Radience Hazer is set on parameters is it possable to get these to be able to record on to a sub so i may have control over it independantly.
Russell Kollaja
software v 1.3
Is it possable to record parameters into the subs. Example Radience Hazer is set on parameters is it possable to get these to be able to record on to a sub so i may have control over it independantly.
Russell Kollaja
software v 1.3
Hi Russell,
at the moment you would have to use another Cuelist for this...
for example,you could record 2 cues (Cue 2/1=haze off, Cue 2/2=on, maybe with a "link" back to cue 1 to "toggle" your hazer on/off) including just your hazers parameters (either filtered down or recorded using "rec only") to a cue list and load this to a playback (fader).
Putting "non-intensity-parameters" onto a Sub will be available in a future release.
Just give a shout if you need some more information,
Cheers, Markus
Russell, Markus is right..... NPs on Subs (LTP only --- obviously) will be included in 1.4.
Take care!