parameter to subs

Is it possable to record parameters into the subs.  Example Radience Hazer is set on parameters is it possable to get these to be able to record on to a sub so i may have control over it independantly.


Russell Kollaja

software v 1.3


  • Hi Russell,

    at the moment you would have to use another Cuelist for this...

    for example,you could record 2 cues (Cue 2/1=haze off, Cue 2/2=on, maybe with a "link" back to cue 1 to "toggle" your hazer on/off) including just your hazers parameters (either filtered down or recorded using "rec only") to a cue list and load this to a playback (fader).

    Putting "non-intensity-parameters" onto a Sub will be available in a future release. 

    Just give a shout if you need some more information,

    Cheers, Markus



  • Hi Russell,

    at the moment you would have to use another Cuelist for this...

    for example,you could record 2 cues (Cue 2/1=haze off, Cue 2/2=on, maybe with a "link" back to cue 1 to "toggle" your hazer on/off) including just your hazers parameters (either filtered down or recorded using "rec only") to a cue list and load this to a playback (fader).

    Putting "non-intensity-parameters" onto a Sub will be available in a future release. 

    Just give a shout if you need some more information,

    Cheers, Markus


