Is there a simple way to track Nip's and cue only intensity?
Right now i hit all NP's and update track, then update cue only.
If this is the only way to handle an update i suggest some sort of syntax to simplify the process.
Is there a simple way to track Nip's and cue only intensity?
Right now i hit all NP's and update track, then update cue only.
If this is the only way to handle an update i suggest some sort of syntax to simplify the process.
See if this one goes out.....
Is there a simple way to track Nip's and cue only intensity?
Right now i hit all NP's and update track, then update cue only.
If this is the only way to handle an update i suggest some sort of syntax to simplify the process.
maybe Shift [Cue Only/Track]
I write a macro ({Intensity}[Update][CueOnly][Enter] [Update][Enter]) for this, but you're absolutely right, it would be much better if there was a native way to accomplish it. I think that's been asked for elsewhere... but in case it hasn't, add my vote.
Yep, we can add that as a modifier. I assume it is sufficient to make the tile "Intensity Cue Only" - and then the behavior of NPs driven by the track/cue only setting or command line override?
that would be brillant.
two thoughts though:
-can i assume, that in Setup > Desk > Record Defaults (right column) the new modifier would get its own box for an Update default setting?
-when you add a modifier Intensity Cue Only, then this is something that has an effect in Tracking Mode only, because in Cue Only mode, Intensity is already Cue Only. so if for Delete/Copy/Move/Record-reasons (basically everything but Update) i want to stay in Cue Only mode, then this new modifier has no effect. so i'm not sure, if for this new thing to help a lot of people, it should either be an additional third mode (tracking, cueonly, ICONIT(int cue only nonInt tracking) ), or there should be two new modifier tiles: "ICO" and "NIT". i guess the latter would be easier to implement and still help people working in tracking as well as in cueOnly mode...
greetings from the CueOnly-Continent ;)
I think Ann is on target. If you are in cue only and you wish to track Np's you would have to use [cue only/track] so modifying Int cue only works in either mode.
so the syntax would be in cue only mode
[update] {int cue only} [Track]
A modifier sounds like the most sensible solution to me.
This would be very helpful!
Anne, I would press for this to be a softkey, not a modifier tile. I'm thinking of the Ion users without touch screens.
Looking forward to retiring my macro,
Paul - the modifiers are all available as a SK. So, I think the advantage of making it a modifier tile, the condition could be stored as the default behavior.
Does that make sense??
Oh right. Yes. Absolutely.
Back to to my touchscreen-deprived cave...
:-) If it makes you feel better, I had to check!
This is SCR'd. I can't remember what the target is, but it's definitely been captured.
This is currently targeted for 2.4.
This is currently targeted for 2.4.
Was this ever added as a feature? If so, whereabouts can I find it? Would find this very useful. Thank you in advance!
Unfortunately I believe this was pushed out and still has not been implemented. Our apologies.