Fixture editing advice needed

I am trying to build a fixture for AC Lighting Chroma-Q Plus scrollers, similar to the Scroller_and_Dimmer fixture, but with a second attribute per scroller for control signals (fan speed, gel saver, etc.)

I tried building a fixture using 3 attributes (Scroller_2, Scroller_Fan_Speed, and Intensity), converting the 2nd attribute to a range attribute to behave like the control channel. It sort of works but it doesn't allow me to assign the intensity to an independent address.

Is it even possible to do what I am trying to do with the Fixture editor in Eos offline 1.31?

Chroma-Q addressing

base DMX address - scroller position

address + 1 - control (see table below)

  • 0-5    no setting
  • 6-15  fan off
  • 16-25 fan speed 1 (slow)
  • 26-35 fan speed 2
  • 36-45 fan speed 3
  • 46-55 fan speed 4 (fast)
  • 56-65 gel saver off
  • 66-75 gel saver on
  • 78-85 motor speed normal
  • 86-95 motor speed fast
  • 96-100 reset to user defaults
I believe I can set this up using basic patching, but I would prefer to set it up as a fixture.
  • G'day there

    Just tried to set-up what you are after as a fixture in the OLE and all seems to be working fine.  I've left the intensity out of the fixture library, as you can patch this as a second part to the channel.

    I also found there was a bit of smegging around as (as far as I am aware)  the "min" and "max" values in the ranges table are 0-255 not 1-100.  A quick excel table made it very simple to convert the values from percent into dmx values.  If the manual for the item of equipment has DMX values, have them on hand as it makes it all a bit easier.

     Hope that helps.  Let me know if you want me to send you the showfile with the fixture you are after in it.



  • Thanks.

     I got as far as you before writing my first question. I'm trying to figure out how to make the intensity as a second part (address) of the channel incorporated in the fixture, just like the Scroller_and_Dimmer fixture does.


  • In the next release, the fixture editor will include an option to create a remote dimmer. If this is enabled, the second part is automatically created when you patch the fixture. Currently this option is not available though in the fixture editor, so you would have to manually patch the second part.
