I am trying to build a fixture for AC Lighting Chroma-Q Plus scrollers, similar to the Scroller_and_Dimmer fixture, but with a second attribute per scroller for control signals (fan speed, gel saver, etc.)
I tried building a fixture using 3 attributes (Scroller_2, Scroller_Fan_Speed, and Intensity), converting the 2nd attribute to a range attribute to behave like the control channel. It sort of works but it doesn't allow me to assign the intensity to an independent address.
Is it even possible to do what I am trying to do with the Fixture editor in Eos offline 1.31?
Chroma-Q addressing
base DMX address - scroller position
address + 1 - control (see table below)
- 0-5 no setting
- 6-15 fan off
- 16-25 fan speed 1 (slow)
- 26-35 fan speed 2
- 36-45 fan speed 3
- 46-55 fan speed 4 (fast)
- 56-65 gel saver off
- 66-75 gel saver on
- 78-85 motor speed normal
- 86-95 motor speed fast
- 96-100 reset to user defaults