New X-Key Layout attached.

Hi everyone.  We have attached an X-keys layout for this new device from PI Engineering.  This is a backlit keypad (in blue or red).  We've set this up so the layer function toggles to the "red" layer.  We've also placed in stock die-cut labels for this layout, with the text color suppressed for the inactive layer, while highlighting the text for the active layer.    You can order these from ETC Inc.  The part number is  4250A4067.   This can be ordered from the American ( or European ( Swag store.  

Otherwise, they can be ordered from your ETC distributor/dealer. 


Thanks all!


Link to PI Engineering Site:

Download Zip File (pre 2.3 - old shortcuts):


2.3 and up - new shortcuts:

updated link to new xkeys layout
[edited by: Hans.Hinrichsen at 1:48 PM (GMT -5) on Wed, May 24 2017]
  • Is there a file for Mac users? Xkeys on a Mac uses ControllerMate not Macroworks. So I am not able to use the preprogramed layout
  • @TMack: to program an xkeys in hardware more (which you need to use it without installing drivers on the nomad computer and to make it work on every computer you plug it in to) you need to use the windows version. the mac version can only do software mode.

  • So once I program it on a windows machine it'll work with the EOS offline editor on my MacBook?

  • i'm not a mac person, but from what i hear from other users this should work. but you need to make sure to program it in Hardware mode.
  • Yes it works but as Ueli said it needs to be in hardware mode.
  • I programmed my xkeys 80 with controller mate over a year ago on my MacBook pro. The only problem I have is with the +% and the -% because of the shortcuts on the keyboard on not on the mac keyboard. I have been needing to figure out a workaround for that and I use what I have programmed just fine with the offline. But I loved the one I seen at LDI hooked up and looking at the layout i don't see the +% or -% which is a quick shortcut that I use often on the console. Just downloaded the zip and going to play with it a little bit.
  • there is a facepanel shortcut for +% -% and i think it should work with xkeys as well: Shift + and Shift - . Shift has the hotkey Z, so Z + and Z - should act as +% and -%
  • You know I hooked mine back up last night and played with it and now I remember it was not the +-% but it was the next and last. Since i need a page up and a page down key on my mac which I do not have. That is the work around I need to play with unless you have a solve for me there which would be totally awesome.
  • i guess you could assign the buttons to macros and then have macros which say PgUp and PgDn. to call a macro (i.e. macro 1) from xkeys, use Ctrl+4 1 Enter. the downside is, that you need those macros in all your showfiles...
  • That is a good option never thought of that. The only other thing I was thinking was to program it or use the file that is here and run boot camp with windows and an external keyboard because i still get limited to the keyboard on the laptop with parallels and mac. Then set the Macroworks to hardware mode to the Xkeys. But since that seemed like a lot of work for what I was after I never pursued it. If I remember when I was looking for the fix it had something to do with the ASC codes and apple just doesn't have one for page up and page down for it to recognize. I am not sure but I knew it was giving me a headache back then. Maybe the next software upgrade for eos they will have where you can type "next" or "last" in the command line. then just create that to happen in Xkeys to happen. Just as a work around for mac book laptops. Hint Hint.
  • I assume you are working on a laptop or not a full size mac keyboard? Page Up and Page Down can be accessed by pressing Function Up arrow or Function Down arrow.
  • and what is the ASCII code for the FN key. The controller mate software doesn't detect that when programming.
Reply Children
  • Hmm, no ASCII code for Fn as far as I know since its a modifier to turn on key "into" another. I'm not sure why controller mate doesn't recognize it as Page Up as all the other programs on the mac do (or at least Word/ Chrome / Eos)

    I'm not really familiar with Controller Mate, but when I just opened it and created a Single Key Building Block there is an option to open Keystrokes Palette where you can click and drag the page up and page down key to your action. The page up and Page Down keys are the ones under the F17.

  • Great !!!! That is the solution to the FN key at least for the page up and page down. Now I have next and back just fine. Thanks for you help. Glad you found it. My head was done with it a year ago. Thanks again.