Programming a sequence to a submaster for timed haze.

Can a submaster on the Ion contain more than 1 cue? I'd like to program a timer sequence to automatically turn a hazer on and off. Can a sub hold a sequence?

As an alternative, I programmed an effect which worked for what I wanted, but I'd also like to make a momentary which I can use to haze on the fly if need be. With the Effect running on a sub, running the sub which has my hazer at full has no influence. I this a precedence/priority issue? With the effect running, the hazer at full sub has no influence on output. Thanks.

  • it's quite simplee, there is just a confusion of terminology.
    a sub is a memory, it is not a physical handle. the handle is called fader. so: no, a sub can't be a cuelist, but yes, a fader can be a cuelist.
    regarding your override: do you use your hazers with dimmer or with with another parameter?
  • it's quite simplee, there is just a confusion of terminology.
    a sub is a memory, it is not a physical handle. the handle is called fader. so: no, a sub can't be a cuelist, but yes, a fader can be a cuelist.
    regarding your override: do you use your hazers with dimmer or with with another parameter?