Feature request: Sub numbering extension

It would be very useful if the available numbers for subs were the same as for cues (0.01-9999.99).

Being on the TV/film side of things, I rarely use cues for playback.  For each camera setup, I record a cue that holds the overall look, and use subs for live transitions that occur during the shot.  During a typical television season, very roughly I might record 500 or so cues over the span of four or five months.  For record-keeping and reshooting, it would be great if I could assign sub numbers that matched up with the cue numbers they belong to.  So for example if we're working on a shot that I'm recording into cue 243, and I need to use three subs for a character flipping light switches, I could call them sub 243.1 through sub 243.3.  This would make referring back to previous work a lot more organized and intuitive when recreating or reshooting something we shot hours, weeks, or months ago.  Extending the range for sub numbers above 1000 would also let me put utility subs for worklights etc. into numbers outside the range of the cues.


Matthew Rohn
Local 52, IATSE
