OSC control of cue firing from Show Cue System

I am trying and finally succeeded in getting SCS "command" to fire cues on my Element. BUT. The cues trigger, yet nothing happens. The fired cue has a gold outline, but the lights themselves do not change. When pushing a go button on the board, the present cue is in a solid gold box. Not an outline. it's as if I just punched "cue 11 enter" on the console. looks like it needs one more command to actually make it "go". 

I am using " /eos/cue/x/fire" as the command (worked on Q-Lab).


I have tried substituting "start" and "go" as well, but they all come to the same nothing. What am i missing? I tried MIDI show control as well, but Element just would not listen, no matter WHAT settings I used on either component. Never had this trouble before.

This is going to be used for a lighting sequence triggered by timed triggers in time with music.


  • Are you sending an argument with the message?  number for button edge: 1.0=down, 0.0=up (optional)

    If you are sending it just with the 1.0 then you are not releasing the button and the action would not trigger.  Either send it with a 1 and a 0 or send it without an argument.  

    Does SCS transmit arguments or just the message?


    I haven't used this particular command over osc but have used the /eos/macro/#/fire successfully.


  • It will transmit anything i type in.
  • Have you tried to get a macro to fire. This is one of the easy events you can fire to tell if you are formatting everything correctly. Also Tab 99 diagnostics had osc monitoring in/out that you can turn on. This will allow you to watch the messages come in and see what the console is doing with them.
    If you want to use the arguments you need to either transmit the 1 and then the 0 or don't transmit either one. If you just transmit a 1 then you are basically holding down a button and never releasing it.
    It would be useful to know what software version you have on your element as well.
  • the 1 in the message is the cue number. There is no mention of adding anything to the message, but is I did want to release the "button", where would that "0" go? Would i need to put a "1" (press) in the message somewhere?

    It is interesting that the manual does not list a "fire" or "start" command for the eos. just a few variations of "go" (page 90). But then again, "fire" worked with Qlab. go figure. (53)
  • the 1 in the message is the cue number. There is no mention of adding anything to the message, but is I did want to release the "button", where would that "0" go? Would i need to put a "1" (press) in the message somewhere?

    It is interesting that the manual does not list a "fire" or "start" command for the eos. just a few variations of "go" (page 90). But then again, "fire" worked with Qlab. go figure. (53)
  • the OSC documentation is not in the eos manual itself but in the Eos Family Show Control User Guide that can be downloaded from the Eos Family product pages where the manual lives as well. there you will find that /eos/cue/1/fire is legal syntax. but there can be arguments sent along with this message. if there is no argument then /eos/cue/1/fire is ok, but if there is an argument of 1 sent with it, you need to follow it up with the same message and an argument of 0.
  • Thanks, ueliriegg. I did mean page 90 of the supplement. "fire" worked for Qlab but not SCS. I think it may be the message sent by SCS itself. I have sent this question to their forum as well.
  • ah sorry. have you tried checking in eos diagnostic tab (Tab 99) with osc message rx enabled to see the exact message that eos receives from scs?
  • Somebody earlier mentioned Tab 99, and I was just going to ask what the heck that was. I will investigate. Thanks!
  • keep [Tab] pressed, type 99, release [Tab] ;)
  • okay- I finally got it to work! in frustration I added another"/fire" after the first one and BINGO. so it is now

    don't ax me why. thanks all.
  • What does it list the incoming OSC message in tab 99? If it is really taking an additional /fire to make it happen it may be a bug. Please take a look and post a pic.
  •  E

    SCS screen shot. Network via UDP.                                    Element screen shot                                                    

    Telnet is the other choice, but won't work.

  • In tab 99, right hand side towards the bottom there is a button to enable OSC Rx traffic to be shown. Could you activate that and taste the picture again?
  • Here are screens of what i just did. first I went with single "fire" for cue 3

  • here is a double fire for cue 9

  • Your problem here is that you're not sending OSC. You're just sending a UDP ASCII message.
  • interesting. There was a choice for "other OSC Device", and i had to choose "free form" because there wasn't a preset for eos in the dropdown list on SCS. I will try again- it didn't seem to work the first time i tried.


    I feel kinda dumb- this is my first attempt with OSC, and it is a learning process indeed.