
Wir haben eine GIO.

Ich möchte das die Schiebersteuerung wieder so funktioniert, wie es bis zur Version 2.4.0 war.

Ich benutze unsere Movinglights (die alle ein Schieberpaket haben) wie Profiler, muß also schnell bestimmte Opjekte "abschieben" können.

Das ist seit dem Entfernen der Zugehörigkeit vom "Schub" zum "Winkel" nicht mehr möglich.

Wenn ich den Schub rausnehme soll auch der Winkel prozentual raus gehen. Wie es halt früher mal war.

Bitte baut das wieder rein, würde mir sehr helfen!!!!



  • Translation:

    "We have a Gio.

    I would like that the shutter framing work like it did back in Version v2.4.0.

    I use our Moving Lights (which all have shutters) as Profile Spotlights, and must be able to shutter objects

    very quickly. Though, since removing the Connection of Blade and Angle no longer possible.

    I need when I pull the blade out, that also the angle turns relatively - as it was in Eos v2.4.0.

    Please bring this Feature. I need it. "

  • Translation:

    "We have a Gio.

    I would like that the shutter framing work like it did back in Version v2.4.0.

    I use our Moving Lights (which all have shutters) as Profile Spotlights, and must be able to shutter objects

    very quickly. Though, since removing the Connection of Blade and Angle no longer possible.

    I need when I pull the blade out, that also the angle turns relatively - as it was in Eos v2.4.0.

    Please bring this Feature. I need it. "

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