Cue, Subs and Channel priorities.

Hi all,,,

My name is Javier, and I have been working the last 15 years with express and expression with emphasis. Now, i can tell that this systems are strong and very intuitive desk. You can work as simple shows, theaters and very complicated opera, with few MLs. 

I know that the new systems, like cobalt or elements consoles, are quite differents, but there are lot of things I didnt quite understand.

There are difference between captured channels, in the old expression system, you can set for example ch1 to 50%, you can move subs (containing this channel) and always the ch1 is 50%. Also for cue containing the same channel 1.


So, Captured channels (or channels in red) always have the high priority and only BLK OUT, GrandMaster or Parked channels can change this.

Im very confused because, (in eos family) if I have my channel 1 at 50% and I set a sub (channel 1 @ FF)  the sub have priority to the captured channel once the sub is at least 50%. 

Also if I have loaded a cue, and one channel captured, if I press GO, the captured channel goes to the value of the cue 2. Whats the hell? I need my channels captured in red like in the express/expression desks. 




Also, I don't understand, why if I press GotoCue0 or GotoCue Out, all channels, included Cue Channels and captured channels go to 0. Why?

Should not desk have to respect captured channels?


This is not operacional, I think the GotoCue0 or GotoCue Out should be as the Cue`s ClearButton of the express, expressions desks, only cue channels release and respect the captured channels.


looking for answers...

  • in Eos system red channels are not captures, they are manual. and manual channels behave exactly as you describe. you have two ways to really capture channels on Eos: a more spontaneous method and a more permanent method.

    the spontaneous: channels with red values (manual) will act as captured as long as the channel is selected (gold outline)

    the more permanent one: select a channel and then use the Capture button. the values will stay red but next to them will be a yellow "c". to un-capture use the Capture button again.

    watch out: on Element there is no Capture function.
  • EOS does not "Capture" channels. Red means those channels were taken control of manually.

    I'd suggest you find an alternative command to perform the task you wish your console to execute.
    Consider Parking the channel. (You can do that from a Cue even.)
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I see the difference of manual and captured. thanks.
    Because of my expression experience I think I need to use more commands to do the same. :(
  • There's a difference between manual channels and captured channels. The red channel is manual data. Manual data is not automatically captured by default. It can be captured using the capture key {Selection}[Capture][Enter].

    Press [Help][Capture] for a better description or the ETC Video Library advanced programming module at

  • yeah I usually use park channels, like work light, gobos... But some time you set captured show channels spontaneous and very quickly for some time, and then press release or sneak enter (fade). I think parking is not operational.
    Also, even if I capture or make manual values, if I press GotoCue0/GotoCueOut, all the channels including the gold outline, go to value 0, and this I can't understand why
    I think cues are cues, manual channels are a differents way to put values. but this command include all.
  • using GotoCue deselects automatically, so you can't have manual values with a gold outline survive a GotoCue 0/Out. to do this you need to capture them.
    the eos family of console doesn't work with the programmer concept of other consoles. manual values and cue values are not as strictly separated as in a programmer console
  • Yeah, I feel the difference...
    I can use <SelectManual><Enter> for cueing, but not for <GotoCue0> Meaby im going to create a capture button into MagicSheet (working with element).
    Thanks for this useful tips!

    Still learning!