Ion Xe20 Fader Wing crash

I've had my new Ion Xe20 fader wing crash on me for the second time tonight.

The first time back in December, I had chalked it up to Guest LD Error. Tonight, it was me. There was no error on my part.


I was running a show via subs on faders when in the middle of a move, the wing froze.

I didn't even notice until I went to fade that sub out & nothing happened. Then I noticed it was frozen @ 83%.

Faders did nothing. Buttons did nothing. Display data was 100% correct.

I finished the show on the virtual faders + keypad.

The only way I could resolve the issue was to reboot the desk. Killing the programme and exiting to the shell did nothing.


The Xe20's Fader Wing is built in, so external connections would not be an issue. Internal USB Connections?

and the display data on the wing was 100% correct. I was able to tab between 2 fader pages. Just zero data input to the console from the wing.


The only other such incident I could find in the forums was here: and that appears, as yet, unresolved.





Sorry I didn't think of looking for the error log.

Parents Reply Children
  • I know for certain that it was submaster 10 linked to fader 1/10. (It was locked like that long enough to be seared into my memory.)
    I can not say what that specific move entailed, I had two other specials up at the time, so it was likely an add, not a cross-fade. but I'm not 100% certain.

    We're a little concerned as to what to do about this. Would the console need servicing?
    Without knowing the likely cause, what options are there?
  • We're looking into it but have not been able to reproduce it here at the factory at all. You identified the best workaround in a situation like that - falling back to the virtual faders is best. (We realize this is far from ideal...).

    I'd recommend getting a call in to phone support (800-688-4116) - have the serial number of the console handy. We can chat about some diagnostic steps to take, as well as any more details on your system that might help us see the issue here as well.

  • It took me 3 months of shows to duplicate this so I doubt you'll have luck.

    I'll forward this to my TD, so either he or I will contact support.
