How do you apply custom colors to effects?

Hello, I'm new to the system, have a limited understanding. Using a Nomad Puck with a touch screen, no physical control surface aside from a keyboard and mouse. I'm trying to make cue where LED tape pulses a specific color not like any available in the presets. How do I do that?

  • I record palettes but when I try to apply them to channels in live it does nothing, the channels just stay at their original state. Also I can’t find where to look at the palettes to see what they are set at or what their organization is.
  • Going back to your earlier comment.

    I record palettes but when I try to apply them to channels in live it does nothing, the channels just stay at their original state.

    One thing that might not be obvious if you are new to this,  is you have to select the channels that you want the pallet to apply to, its not like a kind of static look which you just apply and all the channels in it go to what is recorded,   Its a set of colours one for each fixture that you recorded (or for the type of fixture) than you can then apply to selected fixtures.

    Regarding the comment

    II did find the color palette tab but it doesn’t tell me anything aside from the name and empty fields for Absolute, Locked and By channel Type

    If you highlight one then in ther bottom right hand corner there is the softkey edit this will take you into a blind screen that list channels and what is recorded for them, To make the display easier to read put it in flexi active mode so it only shows the channels in the colour pallet (thats on the drop down key pad   Flexi (near bottom right) and Active (only appears after you press flexi, top right middle left).

    Hopefully that will make it clearer why its not working for you


  • Going back to your earlier comment.

    I record palettes but when I try to apply them to channels in live it does nothing, the channels just stay at their original state.

    One thing that might not be obvious if you are new to this,  is you have to select the channels that you want the pallet to apply to, its not like a kind of static look which you just apply and all the channels in it go to what is recorded,   Its a set of colours one for each fixture that you recorded (or for the type of fixture) than you can then apply to selected fixtures.

    Regarding the comment

    II did find the color palette tab but it doesn’t tell me anything aside from the name and empty fields for Absolute, Locked and By channel Type

    If you highlight one then in ther bottom right hand corner there is the softkey edit this will take you into a blind screen that list channels and what is recorded for them, To make the display easier to read put it in flexi active mode so it only shows the channels in the colour pallet (thats on the drop down key pad   Flexi (near bottom right) and Active (only appears after you press flexi, top right middle left).

    Hopefully that will make it clearer why its not working for you


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