Ipad not connecting to ETC element


I have tried scouring the internet and this site for an answer but can't seem to find anything. I am using an iPad with the IRFR app and trying to connect it to my ETC Element. The IP address I put into the iPad is correct as well as the password display name, I am also connected to the same internet. But, every time I try to connect to the console, it says "connection failed" and "connection refused". I've enabled all the rfr settings in the console but it still gives me the same prompt.

I can't find any answer that works. Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you,


  • Hi Remy,

    this topic has been covered in many threads on our forum here - how were you searching our forum?

    I can also go ahead and help you find a solution. Please answer following information:
    1.) what is network address info for Element?
    (Photo would be nice)
    a.) IP:
    b.) Subnet Mask
    c.) Default Gateway

    2.) Network Info for Ipad via that WLAN connection:
    (Photo would be nice)
    a.) IP:
    b.) Subnet Mask:
    c.) Default Gateway

    3.) How is Element connected to Accesspoint?
    4.) What manufacturer and model is the Accesspoint?

    5.) Eos Software Version in Element? Photo of ABOUT would help.
    6.) what version of iRFR are you running on iPad?

  • Hi Corey,


    1.) what is network address info for Element? The iPad connects to the network via WiFi, and dynamically gets an IP address in the WiFi subnet. If needed, I could make the address a fixed reservation.


    2.) Network Info for Ipad via that WLAN connection:

    3.) How is Element connected to Accesspoint: The Element is connected to the network via ethernet cable.


    4.) What manufacturer and model is the Accesspoint: We use Netgear switches and Aruba access-points


    5.) Eos Software Version in Element?

    6.) what version of iRFR are you running on iPad? v2.


    Thank you for the help,


  • Networking is definitely not my forté, but the only thing I'm left to wonder is if your router has a subnet mask that may be blocking communication?
    That caught me out.
  • Change the Subnet Mask on your Ion and Iphone to be to
    IPs are fine there as long as they are in the same Subnet which they are.
    That photo is of Setup and not ABOUT - and it too blurry to read.
Reply Children
  • As far as I know, a subnet mask of should limit the mask to to
    So that should work fine as far as I know.
    but like I said, networking is not my forté.
    Give it a go to eliminate the possibility.

  • WHat version of Eos Software is on the Element? If it’s pre Eos v2.6.x then it won’t connect to iRFR v2.
    Then you need to download the current Eos Update v2.6.4 from our website and update the Element with that.
  • The software is of the element v2.6.3. I changed the subnet mask to be, but still the iPad will not connect to the element.
  • Hmm...is the switch a managed switch? maybe there are settings blocking the data?
    In Element Settings - there is a ping function. Can you ping and reach the ipad’s IP from Element?
  • You wont want to be manually changing the subnet masks if you are set to obtain address automatically.

    Let the router manage that so they match on all devices that are getting their address set automatically.

    As Corey said you should be able to ping the ipad's address from the Element.

    Also you might find downloading the app fing from appstore on the ipad gives you some clues as its a really useful networking ping tool that will just scan what you ipad is connected to and tell you all devices that can be seen on the network (useful in the above case to see if the Element can be seen or not - and generally helpful to see who's got their phones connected to your network etc.)

    If the ping/fing proves that the devices are seeing each other then you know its something in the setup of the software, if they cant see each other then we can look at fixing that.