connecting ION to Wysiwyg r22 on windows vista... help please

Heya there, i am a little lost... i have been using the ion (v. to connect to a XP PC running wysiwyg r22 and everything was going well.

Now i have been trying to connect the same console to a pc running vista and wyg. The IP settings on the pc are the same as on the old XP. The console also comes up when i look at available networks. I can ping the ion without any loss, but it won't give me any beams!? Is there anyone out there who can help with this? 

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  • I've been going through my notes, and the only hint I can find is ETC Network Configuration Editor.

    It looks like part of the NCE install is used by Wyg under some circumstances, particualrly under Windows Vista - most probably, it's using the NICPicker settings.

    With regards to connecting Wyg to Ion - turn on ETCNet2 in both console and Wyg.

    If you are starting up in Offline mode (usually on a PC) turn on the "Output while Offline" option in Ion.

    As stated above, none of the bi-directional things will work, but you should be able to control the 'virtual' lights.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:54 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, May 31 2009]