Why is the most important key on the console not backlit, while others are? I can see during hardware test that there are two lights inside the button (two different colours), but I haven't seen them in action yet.
Why is the most important key on the console not backlit, while others are? I can see during hardware test that there are two lights inside the button (two different colours), but I haven't seen them in action yet.
Maybe this should be an official feature request. I would really like the Go button to be lit. Also it would be nice to see when a cue is running.
Also the Back button, blinking when a cue is paused.
Also the Back button, blinking when a cue is paused.
What hardware have you seen this on? On a Ti and a programming wing I get a solid red light on the back button when I press it during a cue transition.
Blinking is a feature request. The red light on Back I never perceived on a Ti but I will have look
when working next time on it, most time I work on Nomad and Element 2.