EOS 3.0 features

It may be too early to ask this question, but are their any details available for the upcoming OS? New features? Changes? My understanding is it is coming out in early 2019.

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  • The augment3d website says "release this winter"

  • Back in the spring it said "We will be putting Augment3d into public beta mid-summer 2019 and anticipate an early fall 2019 release."  Now it says:

    "We're planning to put Augment3d into public beta this fall with a release this winter."


    So I guess it will be available when it is ready...

  • That's a great line. I'm going to use it when my next Uni assignment is due...

  • Thing is, a uni assignment is something you've agreed to do (by choosing the course/module), with a pre-agreed deadline. This is a FREE upgrade, not something ETC have contractually agreed to complete to any deadline.

    ETC are great at pushing out new updates and bug fixes regularly, even for consoles that were sold many years back. Do you want them to rush this one and send out a crap buggy version? No-one NEEDS this update, all of our consoles work as well (if not better) than the day we agreed to buy them, this is a FREE upgrade offering a load of new features for no outlay (unless you're on a XP console, at which point you've probably had your money's worth of free upgrades anyway, and have twice the console you initially bought).

    Have some patience.

  • Yes. This is the good part with ETC. They take their time and try to release as god software they can. The big thing with 3.0 is the new fetures and I, just like all of you are looking forward to it, but 2.9 isn't broken and will do great shows. 3.0 is't there to fix show braking problems, it's there for A3D and some other new stuff. And we do not want it if it isn't working as intended.

    Another major console developer will not have MIB and Record Cue only in there newest software at first release because of lack of time for programming before release. Leaving that to a later update. I'm happy ETC do not cut corners to release V3.0 and let it take the time it needs.
