irfr classic remote with 2.8


I have a question re the Irfr classic app remote:

I have recently upgraded to ver 2.8.

I currently use a Ipod touch (the old one!) andd have been running the Irfr classic app as a remote for about 3 years. All is set up correctly and was working fine till the upgrade to ver 2.8.

Since the app is classic ( i.e. surpassed and legacy), does this mean that the classic app is no longer being supported with 2.8 and beyond?

I have tried to connect with the correct information to an Ion (win 7 w/2.8) and a mac Nomad (w/2.8) and I am unable to connect. I have tried this with a classic app on my android phone too with no luck.

Without going to far down the rabbit hole, has the support for the classic IRFR app being discontinued with 2.8?

It just means I have to upgrade my ipod touch or similar into a newer model as the support for the ipod touch has been discontinued too etc.

This make sense to me but I would rather confirm before spending what I do not need to spend....

Am I right in my thinking?


  • Hey Eamon! 2.8 does still support iRFR/aRFR Classic. So it sounds like there might be a larger network or settings issue here. I'd recommend taking a look at the support post below. Follow the steps there to make sure that both your wireless network and the console itself is configured properly.

  • HI Jake

    Thanks for this.

    I am good with my set up and I have had it in place for a while now. I understand the how and some of the what to the IP make up etc.

    My Ip address et al appears to be correct and I have no problem connecting with Ver 2 of the Arfr and the OSC RFR app. I normally use the OSC RFR but I want to bring my ipod touch running the classic version back into play,

    I have done a couple of tests including duplicate the ip (turn the arfr off!), checked passwords, checked ip's, subnets etc. All are as they should be except it will not connect with the classic app. 

    I have mirrored the set up for both my updated arfr app and the irfr classic app still to no avail.

    The set up section shows that it is connected properly but when I go to connect to the console, it will not allow a connection. I cannot remember the error message flagged.

    I will double check all in the am after I apply the just announced update.


  • HI Jake

    Thanks for this.

    I am good with my set up and I have had it in place for a while now. I understand the how and some of the what to the IP make up etc.

    My Ip address et al appears to be correct and I have no problem connecting with Ver 2 of the Arfr and the OSC RFR app. I normally use the OSC RFR but I want to bring my ipod touch running the classic version back into play,

    I have done a couple of tests including duplicate the ip (turn the arfr off!), checked passwords, checked ip's, subnets etc. All are as they should be except it will not connect with the classic app. 

    I have mirrored the set up for both my updated arfr app and the irfr classic app still to no avail.

    The set up section shows that it is connected properly but when I go to connect to the console, it will not allow a connection. I cannot remember the error message flagged.

    I will double check all in the am after I apply the just announced update.

