Random blink/pulse with elation node

High school here with limited knowledge. We have a new enode2 poe plugged into ion xe outputting to an elation six par.

We've got  control of the fixture except there is a random flicker/strobe/blink. It does not have a discernable pattern and when put it at 0 intensity, it goes out and randomly flashes white.

Tried other fixtures. This setup with the address works when we use a different node. Talked with etc and elation tech support. Elation thought it might be a bad node, so they swapped it. Same issue. Apart from the blink, everything else works fine: color, pulse, strobe,)

Rdm is off. Artnet is off. Changed the ip of the node to within 1 of the board. Subnets match.

Anyone else had this issue or can lend advice?

Thank you in advance

  • Elation eNodes “support” SACN so long as the priority mode is set to Per Source. However, ETC consoles output at a Per Address priority mode. I spoke with Elation today to no help. They feel that they support the protocol to its full standard and the fault is not with them. I have an email in with their support about whether they could update the firmware on the eNodes to resolve this. I’m not holding my breath. At this point I would call ETC consoles and Elation eNodes incomparable with each other unless you want to use ART-NET. 

  • Elation eNodes “support” SACN so long as the priority mode is set to Per Source. However, ETC consoles output at a Per Address priority mode. I spoke with Elation today to no help. They feel that they support the protocol to its full standard and the fault is not with them. I have an email in with their support about whether they could update the firmware on the eNodes to resolve this. I’m not holding my breath. At this point I would call ETC consoles and Elation eNodes incomparable with each other unless you want to use ART-NET. 
