Fan repeat bug

I'm going through the new Eos Level 3 Workbook and ran into this bug. According to the book:

{Repeat} - The number of channels that are fanned before the pattern is repeated.

1 [Thru] 12 [At] 50 [Thru] 70 [Fan] {Repeat} 3 [Enter] sets channels 1, 4, 7, and 10 to 50%, 2, 5, 8, and 11 at 60%, and 3, 6, 9, and 12 at 70%.

Instead, it repeats every fourth channel.

Repeat 1 actually doesn't repeat

Repeat 2 divides the selection into two groups and fans

Repeat 3 divides the selection into three groups and fans

So maybe the behavior is working as intended, in which case "Repeat" should just be changed into "Num Groups" so it matches the Offset tools and is more accurate.

  • Hi John728 -

    You're absolutely right, this isn't working as intended (at least it's not working as documented). I was just about to report this myself. The most recent manual states that [Fan] {Repeat} # is used to "set the number of channels that are fanned before the pattern is repeated." Instead, however, we're currently seeing [Fan] {Repeat} function as {Num Groups}. 

    Instead of changing the button to say Num Groups instead, I'd like to see the original intent re-instated with the addition of a {Num Groups}, as I think both have some serious use cases.


  • Hi John728 -

    You're absolutely right, this isn't working as intended (at least it's not working as documented). I was just about to report this myself. The most recent manual states that [Fan] {Repeat} # is used to "set the number of channels that are fanned before the pattern is repeated." Instead, however, we're currently seeing [Fan] {Repeat} function as {Num Groups}. 

    Instead of changing the button to say Num Groups instead, I'd like to see the original intent re-instated with the addition of a {Num Groups}, as I think both have some serious use cases.


  • Thank you for your report.

    I can see that the two available help texts contradict each other. I will research which one is correct and ask that the wrong one will be corrected.

    [Help]&{Repeat} doesn't describe the current behaviour:

    Tab 100 and the web-version of the online manual correctly describe the current behaviour:

    (cross-posted to Eos 3.0 Open Beta forum)
