Can anybody explain the relation between the visual representation of the shutter order in Patch and in the Enoder display in live/blind? They don't seem to match once you change the shutter order.
Can anybody explain the relation between the visual representation of the shutter order in Patch and in the Enoder display in live/blind? They don't seem to match once you change the shutter order.
You can get this to match but depending on the fixture it can be tricky ´cause you probably have to edit the virtual parameters the EOS profile has to convert 1 A/B, 2 A/B, 3 A/B, 4A/B to thrust and angle. Problem is that in the fixture profile it will not change the label when xou change the order of the blades in patch.
Play around with that if you can, it´s possible to make it match :-)
The thing seems to be that when I change the order in patch, to have the fixture behave the same way as the live image, he picture doesn’t match the letters (and also the encoder wheels) anymore.
Sorry for a little of topic question, but how do I get to that setup in patch?
You can change the DMX-Mapping of the fixture or do it here:
You can not only rotate or invert them you can also rearrange by typing the order in numbers by clicking on the Blades-Button and say 1+3+2+4 for example...
Is it only the roation or even the wrong side?
It´s hard to tell not seeing what´s happening but don´t give up, it should be possible to get it to match.
with a channel selected that has framing shutters, softkey Attributes and then on the right click the field Shutter Order
I also want to know what the intended shutter order is. I have the feeling quite some fixtures with shutters have an inconsistent fixture profile.
if you are behind the fixture with the fixture hanging from a pipe and with a 90° tilt, which shutter should be up, left, down and right? Is shutter A the top shutter, moving the lower part of the framing image on the wall or the bottom shutter, moving the top of the framing image? Or shouldn’t we look at the image in analogy to a conventional profile?
I think the origin shutter order is given by the manufacture.
Just in case this post shows up in a search: This support article specifies what the intended order for framing shutters is:
Please send this support article to the fine people at Carallon and wish them a happy new year!