Bunch of Feature Requests - January 2020

Bunch of feature requests

I am an EOS programmer, and I have compiled a list of some features I've wanted for awhile, and updated them from the last time I posted them.  I put them in categories but going thru this from the last time I posted, I realize they are mostly meaningless and I apologize for that. 

Quick Quality of Life fixes:

Record Target (preset/focus palette/etc) Next should call the next empty target. Right now if I have a preset 999 but nothing between preset 1-998 recording preset next will put 1000 on the command line.

Recording a preset has default options. Such as plus fx, I hate to press this every time I record a preset if I am recording a bunch of presets.

Multiple Fan presses will cycle thru various fans and will auto terminate (i.e. fan fan = fan center, fan fan fan = fan reverse) kind of like how "time" works. On Gio and Ion having to press fan, hold softkey 1 enter is a little cumbersome. I have it assigned to a macro most of the time but I'd like the default to be simpler.

Highlight auto terminates (or double pressing highlight terminates the command). (I realize this is now shift hightlight, but I wish it were the opposite and that shift highlight left it unterminated)

Mark mark cycles thru mark states (mark mark = mark earliest)

Cuelists available in Direct Selects (serisouly, multiple cue list organization is atrocious right now)

Recording Snapshots default to current screen instead of all screens (or better yet, settable defaults. As anyone would, I hate recording a bunch of snapshots and having to click the same options every time.)

Help for about and shift should contain all of the quick shortcuts now that there are so many. 

Displays should always bring up the file menu in the CIA. It doesn't if About is toggled on.

Direct Selects can have an image pressed upon them. I know, just make magic sheets but it would just remove one degree of difficulty.

Medium Level Improvements:

Ability to save a display layout or size of a particular frame aside from snapshots. Say I have a two column set and I want to add a column, well all my columns will resize and I want the right most column to match my two column setup, there is no way to match that size, it's just a visual approximation.

Ability to lock softkeys on for Gio and consoles by quickly double pressing MoreSK, or shift moreSK or something.

Pan Tilt xy axis as a magic sheet object for effect visualization

A way to visualize color scan/spin mode in magic sheet objects, even if it's just an asterisk, something noticable. Yes it's avoidable but I've accidentally screwed myself by having one color wheel on spin while the magic sheet shows the active color from colorwheel 1

Current gobo or prism as a magic sheet object display field, like link color or intensity

Blind magic sheet shows color of fixtures and effects like live mode does

Blind or live is storable in snapshots

Hitting blind or live or shift blind or live just changes the state without changing displays (such as right now live table shifts to blind table in a different flexi state)

Programming wing and Ion Xe faders assignable to submasters (or something useful)

Ability to get rid of tab 1 and 2 (psd and live table). This is super important. I literally don't understand why we cant have these two tabs closable. It's a pain to have to shuffle them somewhere when I am working off a magic sheets or on direct selects.

Ability to press live and not have Tab 1 and 2 rise to the top.

A way to remove channel data from live from a cue. I feel like this one is already possible and I just don't know what it is, I always go into blind spreadsheet

Ability to tap out follows (i.e. the console will automatically measure the time between GO's and auto record that into the follow time of a cue)

More configurations of displays (i.e. a stack of 4, or completely customizable (add row, add column)

Ability to reorder encoder positions. Instead of having red green blue white on one page, I might want red green blue Amber. The move to command code be used.

Direct select is their own category on the display select screen. So that opening a new display or frame it's just one single click to the DS you want.

Shift-effect it would be nice if I could see the XY pan Tilt (or any parameter) axis while adjusting parameters. Adjusting the rate eliminates the channel selection from ML controls so you cant see your adjustments live until you reselect the channels.

Effects adjusted live should be able to be "saved as new effect"

Some kind of visual representation of show data. I was copying fixtures on a show last month trying to make life easy for myself, and I screwed up trying to copy show data around. What I personally would like would be the following:

soft key for save fixture show data. A column is there that puts a bold 101 next to channel 101. Then if I copy fixture plus data to channel 111, I'll see that 111 is now filled in, but with the show data for channel 101. If I copy show data to 201-208, they all still display show data for channel 101. Pressing the softkey for "save fixture show data" overwrites this and now 111 will display show data for 111.

Major New Features:

New tabs by double pressing of a key (preset preset for example) can be a pop-up instead being a permanent tab for a quick edit, which is mostly what I use them for. Like the pop-up magic sheet and snapshots. Preferably not in the CIA

It would be nice if offset was a hard key, maybe instead of path. Offset offset cycles thru offset states. In lieu of a hardkey replacement, or having it replace key 821, it would be nice if double pressing group would cycle thru offset states.

Having encoders be snapshottable (such as pan and tilt always being encoder 1+2) would be great, and then other stuff gets assigned to encoder 3 and 4. 

Would love if the CIA went away entirely. File and setup could be their own tabs instead of having to clumsily scroll thru the menu. I spend far too much time collapsing certain menus to find the showfile I'm looking for under one of many menus (merge, open, save as) and also setup is buried beneath all of that.


-Michael Kozachenko

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