Keeping Channel Levels

I'm powering a couple of LED MLs off a regular dimmer and have set this at FL in a submaster. This ensure they are fully powered down between shows. But when I'm cueing up I sometimes use Select Active Out and kill that (power) channel. What's the best way keep a dimmer under any circumstances other than powering don't the board?.  

  • First if all: a dimmer is not the right tool to power moving lights. A dimmer channel dims by chopping up the some wave, and even at full it will not output a perfect sine wave that electronics expect. It might work for a while but in the long term you'll damage your fixtures.

    There are dinner modules that are socially made to be able to dim or to power electronics, like the ETC ThruPower module. Other than that you will want a hot power or a switch pack.

    When controlling power sources you can either use Park, a shielded sub or start using SelectActive SelectActive which will write Select NonSub Active.

  • I remember my SCR basics and agree. At the time it was the best of a bad set of choices. I have some small remote 4 outlet dimmer packs that have a "Switched" mode. They go full blast when DMX >128 But I think a central Power supply we can control but with a full smooth output like your ETC Thrupower may be something we should look at. Happy New Year!

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